Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Inventions of the Industrial Revolution

Spinning Jenny

In 1764, James Hargreaves invented the spinning wheel, he called this wheel the Spinning Jenny naming it after his daughter. It allowed a worker to spin eight threads at a time. The spinning jenny made new jobs for spinners, and made the textile industry even more efficient. It helped revolutionize this era, making textiles easier and more efficient for everyone. It also allowed for a plethora of inventions to come about that would enhance the efficiency of the Spinning Jenny.

The Flying shuttle

John Kay's flying shuttle,invented in 1733, increased the speed of threads of yarn that were carried back and forth. The shuttle was triggered by the pull of a lever. The flying shuttle greatly increased the productivity of weavers. This invention impacted the entire world by increasing the productivity of mills.

The Steam Engine

The Steam Engine was invented in 1698 by Thomas Savery. This invention contributed to the incredible speed as to which the industrial revolution took place. It allowed for locomotives and steam powered ships to be built. This made it possible for large quantities of products and resources to be traded across far distances. This breakthrough in transportation, caused by the steam engine, allowed for people from the outskirts of cities to work within the city without actually living in the city. These are the reasons why I feel the steam engine is one of the most influential of the inventions that emerged at this time.

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